There are many of us living among the people. light like dark. But normal people cannot recognize them as such. Your horizon is limited. Every person could also be an "other" if he would recognize his gift. because every human being receives a gift from God at birth. but It's up to the human to recognize it.


For example, I know at least 2 other "Others" here in the game. One is an angel (like me) and is above me in the hierarchy. He is stronger and more powerful than I and says of himself he was made for me. The other "Other" is a misanthrope and as I met him and struck up a conversation with him, an image of himself from another era loomed in my mind's eye. I saw him as an Alchemist. When I asked him about it, he approved the image and told me that he saw my light. It would be so bright that it would blind him but not hurt him.


I had strange dreams a long time ago (it started in 2001) and everything changed around me. My understanding, my interests, etc. I had no idea why though. I even started to doubt my origins because I was suddenly so different. But I couldn't understand all this.


Then in the summer of 2017 something happened that I will never forget (like so many other things). An old friend contacted me. We had lost sight of each other and no longer had any contact with each other. He lived in a town 650 km away. I had moved from there in 2012. We slowly got closer again via Messenger and Whatsapp and also got to talking about his mental and psychological problems. I came home from work one night and we talked a little before I went to sleep. He had been drinking and told me he wanted to kill himself. I got worried and hoped he wouldn't. In addition, I was tired from work and had to work the next day again. So I went to bed to sleep...I fell asleep and saw him in my dream. He was standing on a high bridge and I saw myself standing behind him. My fingers dug into his back, trying to hold him down. Shortly thereafter, a black helicopter appeared in front of us in the darkness. It was loud and I heard the roar of the rotor blades. Then the police and ambulance came to the bridge. I was still behind him. Fingers dug firmly into his back. Then everything went very fast. Police officers forcibly dragged him back over the bridge railing to safety. They threw him to the ground and pinned his hands behind his back. He was then taken to the ambulance and fixed on the stretcher. The helicopter had meanwhile turned away and the ambulance and police also drove away. It got quiet on the bridge and I woke up. i felt weak as if i had a strenuous journey behind me. My heart was pounding. I tried to reach him on Whatsapp. His cell phone was off. Even hours later when I tried to reach him again... the phone was off. I waited 3 days. Then he finally answered. He told me that he was in a psychiatric ward for three days because he wanted to take his own life. He stood ready to jump on the bridge. I answered him in detail what I had experienced that night. He was shocked and said it was crazy and sick. Our statements matched down to the last detail. That day our connection broke again and it took some time for him to recover. This one suicide attempt was the last he had attempted. Because suddenly he realized how valuable life is for him.


Then, in October 2017, I met someone who was supposed to surpass the level of the incomprehensible. At that time I already had an inkling of what I was but I doubted it. At that time I was actively playing LOA1 on R2 Games. I started playing the game in February 2016. He was also already in the game at the time. I was interested in him but he ignored me at the time and later disappeared from the game. In October 2017 he returned. And everything was different. For some reason we trusted each other blindly. I learned that he is a soldier in an elite unit and that he is not alone there (in the game). Other soldiers were also involved. They partly used the game to communicate with others (soldiers stationed elsewhere). I learned that they are Black Angels and have abilities beyond normal. He realized that something was slowly waking up deep within me that would one day surpass his abilities. At times I had the feeling that he might even be right about that, because I noticed that some things were changing in my perception.


We talked almost every day and our bond grew closer. I saw him in my dreams and although I had never seen him in reality I could describe him 100%. Then he and his mate had to go on a mission for a few days. They came back from the mission injured. However, I did not immediately learn the whole truth. Instead, while we were talking, I saw an angel in my mind's eye. All in white with huge wings. I saw this angel gently hugging his comrade with the wings. Then this angel rose and laid her on a large, soft, white cloud. I told him about it and told him that the angel lies her on this cloud so that she could rest. It calmed him down a bit, but he was very worried about they. Since he was also unable to work due to injuries, we had the opportunity to talk to each other every day. He told me about her and how he sat by her bed every day and seeing her like that got him down. I told him he needed to speak to her. She would be able to hear him even if she didn't react. But he told me he couldn't. He couldn't utter a word sitting by her bed. Since I knew this comrade (through the game), I took over the "talk to her" from a distance. Every night I spoke to her and told her about the conversations between me and him and what was happening. Until one day I got the news that she had woken up from the coma. I was happy about it and thanked God. When she came back into the game and got back to me, I told her that I spoke to her because he couldn't, even though I had suggested he speak to her. Then she said to me that she heard my voice and felt my presence. Eventually they pulled 2 strong arms out of the darkness back into the light.


Then, in November 2017, something happened that I had never experienced before. I was at work like every day. When in the evening I suddenly felt an abnormality. I felt the presence of an energy that I didn't know and couldn't localize. Someone was close to me, radiating a lot of energy that I could feel. I felt like I was being watched and sometimes had a strange feeling in my chest. I couldn't explain the whole thing and couldn't wait to tell my "friend" (Soldier1). But he already knew. Because he was the cause of this feeling that I had. He told me that there were four of them with me. Incidentally, I was working at a gas station at the time. They were 3 men and 1 woman. From that point on, I was under their protection and observation. I should never again take a step without being watched or seen by them. I became part of them. But I was still a long way from what I am today.


Then, in December 2017, something happened again. It was December 24th. and soldier2 was allowed to go home from the hospital that day to spend Christmas with her "family". It was agreed that soldat1 would pick them up from there. He had also been seen there, but he disappeared without a trace. A few days before Christmas he had written to me that he had a surprise for me and I suspected that he would come to me and make himself known. I was at work on Christmas Day and my gut told me he would show up on Boxing Day. But he didn't come. I was sad and disappointed and again doubted my feelings. But everything was very different. Despite my doubts, I felt that something was wrong. However, I could not reach any of the "Others". Unfortunately, our contact only existed during the game, as they had to remain anonymous. It was dangerous enough that I was in contact with them. On 12/27 I finally got through to someone and they told me very briskly and unkindly that God knows they had other problems than dealing with me. On 12/28 they called again and apologized for the rude tone. I asked about Soldier1. Now they finally told me what had happened and that he is disappeared without a trace 12/24. They don't know where to look. In my naivety I asked why they wouldn't put out a missing persons report. They told me that they could only do that on the 3rd day of his disappearance. (It was a lie, I learned much later, because they couldn't file a missing person's report.) They had assembled their own search party but had no clue where to look. I told them to look in a place where he often stays. A place associated with memories. For example, the grave of his wife and son. On 12/30 I then received the message (offline) Found, danger to life, coma. I later learned that he had collapsed at the grave of his wife and son. And all he had with him was a farewell letter to soldier2, his wallet and a train ticket to me! I did the same by him as with soldat2. I prayed and spoke to him every night. But it was different. I saw pitch black darkness. He was fighting to survive but didn't want to be saved. But as I found out later from him, he heard and saw me, just like soldier2 back then.



During this time that he (Soldier1) was in the hospital, someone else came into play for him and I fell head over heels in love with that someone. He was also a Black Angel and was one of the four people who visited me at work at the time. He fell head over heels in love with me. From then on we wrote to each other every day. Until he came up with the idea in February that he might want to surprise me. I suspected that it was supposed to happen on February 14th, 2018, but everything turned out differently. As I was at work that day, I had a sudden feeling that he wasn't coming. As it turned out in the evening, I was right about this feeling. Because he had to cancel his vacation on the first day and go to mission. For me, a world collapsed. It literally pulled the rug out from under my feet and a time began that changed everything, completely EVERYTHING.



I fell into a big black hole. I slept 20 hours a day. When I was awake I cried. I didn't care all. And then came the dreams. 5, 6, 7 pieces in a row. 6 weeks long.


One of the dreams was the one, that I think I met God and after waking up I heard his voice. At that moment I realized that everything is as it had been suspected for a long time. But I had my doubts. My belief in it wasn't strong enough yet. And I was weak, had no strength, no energy as I was sleeping all the time. I saw dreams after dreams and understood nothing. I sought advice. And asked someone to help me explain the dreams.


She wrote me the following: "I read in your dreams that you are something very special, that you should warn and so on. This probably also includes your new bad dreams. I'm sure anyone who ignores you or laughs at you should expect the worst if they don't listen to you. I think your dreams are very, very serious."



She continues: "Learn to accept and understand your dreams. You are something special. Not many people have your gift." I get the following answer from her about another dream: "Your dream says so much, I can read so much from it. I have to read it more often so as not to miss anything or misunderstand anything. But one thing can already tell you. you see great things ahead. That fascinates me, what I was able to read out here alone."




And the "others" said too that my doubts stood in my way and would block me. So I entered the path I walk. But no one told me how rocky and difficult it could get at times. The interpretation of my dreams was also very difficult. At first I was still looking for dream symbols. Until I realized that it's the wrong way. Because my dreams cannot be explained with these means.


But how were to be explained? The dreams were very different. Sometimes I was right in the middle, sometimes I just saw everything from the perspective of a spectator. Sometimes it was about myself and/or my family/friends. Most of the time, however, I met complete strangers or my "allies". There were people and places that I had never seen before and there was my homeland. I wrote down all of them, the dreams. Every single one. Every scrap, no matter how small Every detail that stuck in the memory. And it grew more and more every day. I sought advice but nobody could explain to me exactly what was going on. I was given tips and advice. But nothing brought me to it to see it myself I shifted my focus and began gathering information Slowly I began to recognize.


I try to write chronologically, but sometimes lose the thread due to the many events over the years. I'm apologize for that.


So I saved the first one. And I had saved two more. The 2 soldiers (a woman/a man) were not saved by a dream. But it so happened that I saved the woman a second time.


These soldiers are drilled. They say they can't allow feelings. Show no feelings. killing machines! But everyone can feels some.


As I had learned, soldier1 and soldier2 had been a team for 16 years. (Man & Woman) One more stubborn than the other. There were always differences of opinion between the two.


The day I rescued Soldier2 (woman) a second time, there was one of those disagreements. I found out from soldat1 personally that he needed an operation and he sent her (who was with him) away. He didn't want her to see him for who he was at that point.


Apparently it hurt her and she disappeared without a trace.


Because I was exhausted, I lay down and fell asleep. Then this dream came.


"I saw a beach and I saw water. I saw people. But in detail I can only see a woman who seems to be sinking into the sand or is partly buried in the sand. I look at the water. It becomes a threat! I start screaming. People have to get out of the water and off the beach. The water is the danger! But nobody can't hear me. Excited, I try to get everyone's attention. But nobody reacts.“ Then I wake up for a moment.


I'm talking to Soldier1. The operation is imminent. He's worried about Soldier2. She is not available. Nobody knows where she is. Then he has to go. I don't get to tell him about my dream.


Hours pass. I finally reach someone from the squad. I ask in panic about soldier2. I am very worried. They say you're looking for her. But they don't know where to look. I tell about my dream. The contact man says goodbye. More hours pass. Then finally the message. They found her!


She contacts me the next day. I ask she. Tell her about my dream. She was desperate and wanted to take her own life. But they found her and saved her.


The next "case" I remember is another BlackAngel. Another soldier. I call him soldier3 here. He also came back injured from a mission at some point. He was badly injured and had to undergo multiple surgeries. His life hung by the proverbial "silk thread". I also fought for his life. Without knowing or suspecting that this fight would go on for years.


After several operations, he was discharged from the hospital and was "at home". We were in contact. Already at that time I was more or less able to sense when something was going to happen.


That evening, just before bedtime, he suddenly stopped answering me. I waited for some time but was so tired that eventually I had to leave. I left with mixed feelings. I knew something was wrong and I was worried. But like I said, I was tired and needed to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I felt like I did when I saved the first one. I felt that I had been somewhere else. I was not here. And that feeling continued throughout the day. I wasn't tired, I had slept. But something was different! You just can't explain this feeling in words.


I tried to reach him. Nothing. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach anyone else from the group who could have checked. In the late afternoon, rather towards evening, someone finally came. soldier2. I told her about last night and how I felt.


She replied that she was surprised that he hadn't picked her up. She had just returned from a brief assignment. She quickly said goodbye and disappeared. Later I found out that my feelings had not deceived me. Miraculously, he had survived the night and the hours that followed.



So far I've saved 4 lives. 4 lives I "knew".