Another but different story I experienced was as follows.


A fellow player from my guild told me a true story. What she experienced happened as follows.


"The woman lived her childhood in the United States. One day she was on the bus with her mother when she suddenly said to her mother: "Watch out, just behind the next bend there is an old white wooden cross."

The curious thing is "It was the very first time they drove this route and they had never driven it in any way. And the announced white cross was actually in the place as she had said before. The experience had impressed her so much that she never did it again forgot. But she couldn't explain it. Even I couldn't see it right away or explain it.



But that should change.


My first birth protection angel is Ariel, he grants clairvoyant insights into the past and the future. Ariel gives us courage and determination. Ariel is considered the angel of divination and dreams and the connection to higher beings and worlds.

My dreams tell of past, present and future. And I learned to distinguish it.


I didn't see this said experience of the players in my dream. And I don't really bother with it. But one day I woke up from some dream that had nothing to do with her story and out of nowhere the answer to her riddle revealed itself to me.


Without a doubt it was her own cross that stood there on the side of the road. She was undoubtedly reborn.


Let's stay with this woman for another short story. Now the future comes into play. Remember the dream with the water. I woke up for a moment and fell asleep again. A new dream came. This dream was about the son of the woman I am telling you about.


It seemed nothing significant. The dream very short. Just a hint, a sequence. "I'm in a hurry... suddenly I see her and her son. I stop for a moment... they both look at me. I enter the house in front of which the two are sitting and wake up.


Did i wake up too early Something seems to be happening. I ask the woman to warn her son. Something will happen.


It was less than 24 hours before she informed me that her son had been in an accident!

However, the earliest event I saw before (exact date and time) was my father's death.


On March 28, 2011 something happened that only a few days later accompanied me with deep dismay and made me think.


On that day, March 28th, 2011, my cell phone rang. My father, who had been suffering from cancer for several years, was dying. I kept what happened next in my memory like a slow motion picture. Branded for all eternity.


It's Monday. I am informed that my father is dying. I'm speechless... Don't know what to say. My eyes are looking for something. Some grip in the sudden emptiness. I look at the wall calendar. My eyes fall on the weekday Thursday. The phone call ends. Thursday... What I'm doing right now is in no way explainable, let alone explainable. I check the weather forecast. Sunshine is announced for Thursday. Thursday... sunshine,... a beautiful day to die for... First thing in the morning.


On Thursday, March 31, 2011, shortly after 8 a.m., my cell phone rang again. My father had just passed away.


I knew my phone would ring, I knew I would get this message, and yet I was stunned.


But that was not the end of the road. Because the day of the funeral was still to come and I had no idea what to expect apart from going to the chapel and the cemetery. The family members all sat in the front row. I only heard the pastor's words in passing. My attention was on the picture of my father that had been put up, the many flower arrangements and the candles that were lit. There were 6 candles.



We were 6 family members. (That was my thought at the time, because I couldn't explain it any other way.) Then I felt something that I can't explain either. Like a breath of air even though the room was closed. One of the 6 candles went out as if by magic. Nobody noticed it, nobody saw it or noticed it. Just I staring at the extinguished candle and the window a little further above. The sun shone in and the last song sounded.

All these changes in my being began in 2001. But it took almost 20 years to recognize it and another 2 years to understand it.


Of course, one can now say that one was her father, the other "friends". You have memories, this and that... The subconscious plays an essential role, etc.


But there are too many things that cannot be explained by human reason. awareness or not.



I see everything with different eyes. I see everything from a different perspective and I experience everything from a point of view that no one understands. At least not one who does not have a certain amount of faith or has experienced something similar or the same themselves.

Just happened. It is/ was 16:34 CET.

I rested a bit and fell asleep for a while. But after only a short sleep phase, I woke up in a panic from a dream. It was fast. Too fast! I don't know what made me panic/scared in this dream but I escaped so quickly I can't even remember what I dreamed. Except it scared me.

Well, in and of itself, waking up from a dream "fleetingly" is nothing out of the ordinary. But in this case a phenomenon occurred. Awake yes, present no.

It wasn't just that I woke up from the dream, I also left the bed in a panic. my body left it!

I know I have a free soul. Which can go and return at any time. It's a phenomenon, but the body perceives it as anything but phenomenal.

I was felling bad. Terribly bad. And I had to go back. Back to bed. One cannot describe this feeling in words.

In order not to confuse the chronicle too much, let's return to my "allies" the soldiers. (And also later, we will come back to you)

Your expectations were high. Too large. I was only at the beginning and still had a lot to learn. Again and again I heard her say: "You are a seer, you must feel this and that" (presence of herself for example), "You must be able to do this and that." (I would have to be able, within 3 minutes, to switch off my head to go to another level of consciousness, etc.) "I should be able to let them (the "allies" that I only have the vaguest idea had) on the street or to feel their energy in general.

But I couldn't do anything yet. All I knew was I'm different. I see things in my dreams. I had no idea what was to come.


For example, there was the mirror experiment. The souls/demons are summoned from the underworld through the mirror. Or you can take this path into the underworld. The first attempt failed. Despite teachers. I couldn't concentrate, couldn't turn my head off. Fear of making a mistake! Then the "teacher" had to go and I tried it alone. A fatal mistake! I had no idea whatsoever and the mirror was "open" (you have to prepare it so the evil can't get out!)


So I kept trying, without a "teacher". After about 30 minutes I gave up disappointed and put the mirror back where it was before (in a dresser drawer in the bedroom). Then I went to bed... and what happened next was creepy!


I was falling asleep (no idea how long I slept, it wasn't long maybe 2 hours) when in my dream I suddenly saw something crawling out of the dresser. It climbed up out of the bottom drawer and moved along the wall toward me. I woke up in a panic and turned on the light. It was the first time I really got scared.


I didn't give with a syllable a thought that this something came out of the mirror.


And naive as I was, I continued to try the mirror experiment for the following days. And left the mirror everytime where it was (on a chair and on the windowsill). And every night I would hear sounds from those very places.


I could not reach my "allies" and had to wait for their return.


When they came I related what had happened and it turned out that I had indeed released something from the underworld. Of course I was reprimanded for my actions. But nobody had told me what could happen! (In general, it turned out in hindsight that I wasn't told a lot of things. I found everything out for myself! )


I was unable to interpret the dreams. Not even they could interpret it. They are "allies", they are "others", they are different from me! But my objections went unheeded.


"It is easier to get one person used to many than many to one!" This sentence carries weight. Because there is no doubt that it is.


I kept saying I was different. I kept saying I'm a white angel and I kept saying that over time things will reveal themselves to me out of nowhere.


They didn't listen to me. Ignored my words.


I couldn't interpret my dreams myself and couldn't ask anyone for advice on specific dreams (those about the allies).

But I should learn and the dreams taught me.