Neither of us had any idea how important and ultimately dramatic it was going to be.


Things started to change again. He began to learn from me. Wanted to know and understand everything. He wanted to protect me. But my dreams didn't bode well. And he was dreaming too... but we shouldn't understand all that until after the fact.


And also with the "allies" the Black Angels the signs began to point to a storm.


Today I know that they have kept very many things from me. What they shouldn't have done! Because time will reveal everything to me. Every lie will eventually face the truth! I see future and past!


The Black Angels should have known, should have seen. The more I developed, the more I would see.


But they were blind...unable to see the threat before them.


A "new" comrade" appeared and was assigned to the still seriously ill soldier3. When I met her, all the alarm bells began to ring in me. Something was going on here that I couldn't immediately place. All I felt and knew was, that something was going to happen here, the magnitude of which we had no idea.


But as so often, no one listened to me. :( Instead, everyone was preoccupied with themselves. No one looked for the cause of the unrest. The "new girl" did a great job! And she didn't let anything upset her. She accepted everything and kept walking the path , who was commanded to her.


Then finally a miracle happened. The reports about the soldiers' health and the events were very serious. They were in a dangerous state! I was also told that things were falling off the walls and the door of the hospital room where the soldiers were was closing as if by magic and could not be opened! They wanted to say goodbye to me and I was asked to listen to a music playlist, the songs should explain things to me that they were not able to do. They said I would understand.


But everything turned out differently!! I listened to the playlist and something opened up in front of me that startled even me. I realized that an evil energy was targeting you, the Black Angels. And what I saw confirmed my suspicion. The "new" meanwhile decried and known as the "witch", was a saboteur and traitor!


My development had made a huge leap forward.


I sounded alarm. And then they finally told me the truth! The truth... Soldier1 was dead! Executed for treason!



But he was not buried. His place in his family's grave remained empty! He was cremated and his ashes scattered in the sea.


This gave him the "freedom". A big mistake that can never be undone.


If they had only buried him in his family's grave, many things probably would not have happened. Even all his personal belongings were destroyed. There was nothing that could avert the disaster and so what was inevitable happened...


To this day I am sure that many things would have turned out differently. If He had been buried in his family's grave... and if I had been told the truth from the start!


I know this all sounds incredible. Like a wild fantasy story but it actually happened.


Angry, without any insight into his guilt he had descended to the underworld. And drove his mischief from then on. He fetched 1000 innocent souls and held them captive. (No kidding!) And the witch was his connection to the "upper world". Now it was time for the Black Angels to wake up and fight. I too was in his focus and in danger! There were death threats against me. They threatened to rip my heart out while I was still alive and throw it at the feet of the "dogs" (meaning the Black Angels, my "allies). And I knew how dangerously close he was to me. The One who had orders to destroy me. I could feel his nearness.


And the "Fallen (Soldier1)" threatened me personally. He was able to enter the body of another and dominate him. (I've never seen anything like it! You only see that in movies. But this was no fake and real!!) So he let me know how and what he was doing to the others. How they suffered agony, how he abused them until they bled from their eyes, nose and ears. He knew how I would react to that. He knew it would make me angry. He knew I hated him for it and he provoked me. And the angrier I got, the more he tormented her. He got stronger and stronger because of my anger. He prophesied that when I finally recognize my power, he will come and destroy me! (I had no idea at the time how important and meaningful this sentence would become in retrospect.)


Finally, soldier3, whose body he controlled and through whom he contacted me, managed to regain some of his self-control and urged me not to be provoked, as my anger would only make matters worse. But it was to late, and it got worse...


Because now a time of war began and my "allies" needed me. I was ignorant but wanted to help. (I had no idea what I was getting myself into.) Because I've known for a long time that I was (am) in possession of something that was vital to your survival and wreaking havoc in the underworld!

Do you remember the place of light Jan took me to? After I was there, something happened that I had previously tried in vain to do. Again and again I had tried to call the light. Because it called me all the time. I knew I could do it but I didn't know how. I just couldn't it. After being at the place of light, I succeeded. I was able to summon the light and it started communicating with my eyes!


This ability is given to me. And she is one of many.


Next I had to learn how to get into the "Underworld". What did I have to do, what did I have to look out for... I was terribly nervous. My mind was still unable to switch off on "command". I had done everything but the first attempt on the first night failed.


It was different on the second night. I was able to open the mirror through which I would enter the "underworld" but I stopped in front of the open gate. An "ally" helped and pushed me inside. I could feel myself stumbling in a little clumsily. And I could also feel them (there were whole armies of demons and evil spirits) pouncing on me. Luckily I always had protectors around me. So I didn't get any serious injuries. But I felt they. My arms and legs hurt terribly. But I caused chaos. We were an army of 20,000 angels and "allies" and the only "weapon" I had was the light! I carried the light of God into the "underworld"! And then I stood there and saw the river that carried not water but fire. And I saw my "allies" coming towards me. And I saw all the evil. There were dead and there were injured. If we were going to win this war, I had to learn. Because I "only" carried the light and caused chaos. But even that was not without risk. Neither for me nor for the "others". There would be bad consequences if I misled my "allies".


But that was not all. I had visions. Visions that foretold even more doom. For example, I saw an angel on fire and heard its screams. And since it was and is my duty to warn, I did so. I warned my "ally" by telling them what I had seen. She recognized her daughter in that angel, (who was/is also a black angel), and wanted to go to the "underworld" alone. What happened next was bestial. (I asked her not to do it. Because I didn't have a good premonition.) Because she was already expected. They broke both her legs and branded them with the devil's mark. This brand was real! It stank of burnt flesh and festered horribly. She was half dead when they brought her out of hell. But it was far from over. Something took control of her body, forcing her to stand against the wall, her legs broken and her arms raised. She was unable to move! Was rigid and mute. And more things happened. A handprint appeared on my window and it wasn't mine! (This handprint stayed on for more than 1 year. Every time I wiped it away it came back.)