"He's hurt and angry.", spoke suddenly another voice came out of the dark.


"Mayra!" Xeria recognized her voice and spun around. Mayra stepped out of the darkness into the pale light of the streetlights.


"Did you overhear the conversation?" And what does sour mean here? If anyone had a reason to be angry it would be me, don't you think?" Xeria asked her.



"Not all of that, to answer your first question. I can understand you both. It's, how should I put it, not easy for either of you." replied Mayra.


"Aha!" exclaimed Xeria. "He talks to you about me instead of to myself. It seems to me that everyone has talked to you about me. Everyone poured out their hearts to you. But they talked to me about others. Samael about Timea, Jaron about Leonia ... only Simeon didn't hide his feelings, even though he knew my heart belonged to someone else." Xeria continued her sentence. "Maybe it was..." Xeria immediately dismissed the thought that was immediately running through her mind. "But you know, Mayra, I'm just tired of it..."


"Xeria!" Mayra interrupted her with a raised voice. “You know that we are not allowed to have feelings nor to show feelings. We are trained to have hearts of stone. we have no life Basically we are nothing. We don't exist. No cock will crow for us if we lose our lives in battle. You are...", Mayra ended the sentence abruptly. She was silent for a moment, head bowed. She started to rummage in her bag and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. She lit one and held out the box to Xeria.


Raising her hands, Xeria refused. Mayra drew on the cigarette and puffed the smoke into the air. Just as Xeria was about to say something, Mayra continued her sentence.


“... and then suddenly you appeared out of nowhere. With your way that enchants people and gives them a smile, even in the most difficult hours. Everyone was talking about you back then. Everyone who came into contact with you was suddenly flooded with courage and hope. It didn't matter who it was ... whether it was Jaron, Simeon or Samael, everyone just talked about you. Hard drilled men who suddenly showed emotion.”


"But..." Xeria wanted to object. “You made people out of machines, Xeria. You brought lifeless stones to life with your kind." Mayra interrupted her sentence again. "I have to go. I'm sorry."


"Why? What's going on?” Xeria asked, visibly irritated.

"It's an emergency... I have to go back immediately." Mayra hastily stubbed out her cigarette and disappeared into the night as well. Xeria looked after her thoughtfully. It had gotten chilly. Or did it just seem that way to her? She crossed her arms to warm herself a little and slowly made her way home.


As she walked, she became more and more lost in thought and was hardly aware of her surroundings. The argument was stuck in her head. Her walk slowed down step by step, lost in thought. When she suddenly tripped over something. She looked up, startled. But there was nothing for her to trip over. Absolutely nothing. She looked around. Not a soul to be seen far and wide. Nothing. Then she lifted her head and looked up.


In the dim light of the street lamp, she saw what appeared to be a feather. There was no wind. Not even a hint of a breeze could be felt. And yet this little feather fell gently to the ground, as if carried by the wind. Xeria looked at the quill.


"What is that? Are they with me? The Angel? Are the Angels with me?” a thought crossed her mind. She felt a kind of relief.

Carefully, as if this feather were made of glass, she picked it up and placed it in her palm. She closed her eyes for a moment to thank the angels for this sign of her presence. A pleasant warmth flowed through her body for a moment. When she opened her eyes again, the feather was gone and the warmth that had just penetrated her body disappeared again. Instead, the chill of the night crept back into her body, enveloping her completely. Crossing your arms to warm yourself up a little didn't help anymore. She hurriedly continued on her way. When she got home, she decided to take a hot bath and then stayed in her study for a while. Thoughts almost rode a roller coaster in her head. All thoughts blurred, lost themselves briefly in the distance and returned. Tired and exhausted, Xeria finally went to bed. She listened to the silence for a moment. Then she closed her eyes.


It didn't last long, she was actually tired and just wanted to sleep when a raven suddenly appeared in her mind's eye. Startled, she opened her eyes again. "What was that? That was a raven. Why does a raven suddenly appear?” She closed her eyes again, anticipating evil. Tiredness forced her to do it anyway. She saw the raven disappear. But the next thing that appeared was an eagle. Again her eyes opened. "An eagle! What does that mean? First a raven, now an eagle...what the heck...there's more to come..." her feeling said, closing her eyes again.


A bright light appeared in her mind's eye. She knew that light. It was the same light that the warrior came from then. This time, an angel with black wings appeared and disappeared in that light. Not even a blink of an eye later, a pure white angel appeared out of the light and immediately disappeared back into it and with him the light disappeared and everything became dark again. "No!" Her eyes opened and closed again. But the light was gone. Again she opened her eyes and closed them. Nothing. The light was gone and with it the two angels. She was lying in her bed. The tiredness suddenly blown away. "No! It can't be.' she thought. "Not both at once!" She lay frozen in her bed and tried to think clearly. "The angel with the black wings ... is that Jaron?" she asked herself, almost stunned. "... 

and the white angel is Timea? And I can't do anything for them both?” Xeria sat up. "But the raven and the eagle are unclear to me. What do a raven and an eagle have...” She shook her head in disbelief. Sleep was out of the question now. For minutes she sat on her bed. Repeating the images in front of her eyes over and over again. She really wanted to lie down again, but the images wouldn't let her go. They just wouldn't get out of her head. So she finally got up and went into the kitchen. She made herself a cup of tea and sat down at the table. The images in her head sank into her thoughts and she was literally shocked when a realization overtook her.

“You can control the things you see in your dreams. Depending on what kind of dream it is. past, present or future. But a vision is what it is. You cannot intervene and prevent anything. It is timeless and irrevocable! She is the destiny of whoever you see.”


Startled by the realization and tired of everything, Xeria covered her face with her hands. "How am I supposed to tell them what I saw tonight?" she asked herself. She finished her tea and went to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the mirror for a moment. "Blue eyes... so close to heaven." She thought to herself and lowered her head, shaking. She turned off the light and went to bed.  Unsuspecting that the nightmare wasn't over yet. Xeria had slept maybe two hours when she woke up. However, waking up was a real struggle between her and the dream. This dream had a power over her of unimaginable proportions. She lay in bed, motionless and rigid. The heart was pounding. It was impossible to even think straight at first. Trying to wake up had cost her a lot of valuable strength.


What happened?


As she had often done, she had met a number of people in her dreams who, with the exception of one, were completely unknown to her. They celebrated and laughed together. At late hour she said goodbye to the group and went to her room. (?) However, she had not locked the door of the room and was sitting in the dark as if waiting for something or someone. When she suddenly heard footsteps. They came closer and closer to the room and finally stopped in front of the door. Her heart started pounding and she stared at the door, motionless. A thought began to pound in her head. ""Lock the door of. You have to lock the door! If he comes through that door, it's all over.” But she was frozen, unable to move an inch. She kept staring at the door, waiting for him (whoever he was) to come in. But this HE went away again. For a moment she heard nothing. No footsteps, no rustling just the pounding of her heart. Then she suddenly noticed that there was a window or something like that next to the door, which was only covered with a curtain. This curtain moved. Already unable to move, the rising fear drove her even deeper into her limbs.


She heard the footsteps again, coming closer and finally stopping in front of the door.


"Wake up...this is just a dream...you need to wake up," she thought. It seemed to be working, because she opened her eyes for a few seconds. However, she felt her eyes roll up and was gone immediately. back in the dream Again she heard footsteps. Then HE stopped in front of the door. Shortly thereafter HE paced up and down and stopped again. The door was still unlocked and she had to lock this door. But how? If she moved, HE could hear her. So she stayed motionless and stared at the door. He walked away... "You need to wake up. Wake up. This is just a dream Wake up.” and same drama again. She opened her eyes briefly and was gone immediately. This was repeated a few times. Sometimes she looked at the door, sometimes at the curtain … her heart was pounding incessantly … “He can come in through both “entrances”. unhindered! I can't lock any of the 'entrances'.” Next, she saw a light coming through a crack in the door. Footsteps...light...she was paralyzed. "He's coming in soon... You need to wake up... WAKE UP... 

keep your eyes open... don't back to asleep. Stay awake...stay here...wake up.” She finally managed to wake up from this dream and the thoughts came down on her like a rain of fire. She lay in bed completely apathetic. Still unable to move, she at least tried to use her thoughts to master the situation. Her heart was pounding and minutes passed before she was able to get herself under control and stand up.


As if in a daze and with the thoughts of this nightmare, Xeria got up and went to her study. "I have to write this down." Her body shook. The shock was still deep in his limbs.


Xeria sat down at her desk and, hands shaking, began to write what had just happened to her. As she wrote down the dream, she relived each image. That fear… the panic… “Why didn't I lock the door? Why couldn't I complete it? Who was that in front of the door? Was that Jaron? Did he want revenge on me? Did he want to kill me? I'm in great danger!” as she asked herself all these questions and scrolled through the images over and over again, she began to understand. "The guy standing outside my door was someone who didn't mean anything good to me, but he couldn't get in. My guardian angels prevented it. There is nothing about this dream that I cannot understand. My first thought was 100% right. If I had gone to the door to lock it, he would have come in and gotten me! I have no doubts. But was it Jaron? I can't believe it, it couldn't possibly have been Jaron. My guardian angels prevented it.” Xeria spent the next few hours in her study. Most of the time she stared straight ahead in thought. "Should she tell the others about it?" she considered and immediately dismissed the thought. Time passed... and the night had left its mark. It was already noon when she crawled into bed, completely weak and exhausted.